Salam alaika. lama tak jumpa. This enrty has got very dusty since lastweek. heem...syorry...due to my busy schedule, i'm almost got no time to update my blog, to jot down the things happened around me. last thurday, abah went outstation to KK for the Higher Educational Exhibiton at One Borneo. Tinggallah kami 3 beranak kat sini for a few days. HUHUHU...adik sya nangis. Luckily, i've Makcik Lia stayed with us. To be frank,everytime abg went away, i felt very lonely eventhough i was in the crowd, especially when the night come. Having my kids around helped me lil' bit. Realising that abah was not around, I noticed that adik sya was searching for abah before she sleep. Before, everytime she wanted to sleep, abah will come near her, kissing her chubby cheeks, her forehead and do some 'giggling job' on her body. She couldn't stop laughing until abg zhiki feel jealous and started to gigle with abah too. hikhik.cemburu abg zhiki. Knew that, i held her in a warm embrace with kain pelikat abah. 'sigh'. adik sya tak lagi 'cari abah' since she smelled abah's body aroma. hahaha. tak busyuk ke kain pelikat abah tu sayang?Abg zikri, pagi-pagi morning dah start to look for abah. abah gi keje, ummi gi kolah. My tuition (HOME TUITION TEACHER SUE) had started last thursday. can be considered as successful yet humble. tak sempat abah nak lekatkan whiteboard. having 17 students in my tuition make me feel appreciated. ye lah, diorang percaya aku boleh bg tunjuk ajar yang sebaiknyer. with just a little fees, i give tuition 3 times a week with different subjects, science and chemistry. Venue.. bilik belakang umah aku. hehe.. just nice for 6 students per session. time for me to stop coz adik sya had begin her song already. actually, i also wanted to upload the picture of a visit to rumah kaktie in this blog, but abah forgot to transfer the pics. next entry la yer kaktie.. by the way.. abah balik esok. yeayea. assalamualaikum.
1 day ago